
So, I'm a loser that doesn't update her blog. I'm too busy updating other blogs. Sorry.

It's summer! I'm happy. I manage to get some sleep. I have a job. I make cool things like this out of nowhere, and Nick is starting a new job as well. Hurray! Life is good. I think Gordman's is my favorite store ever. Most places I look for clothes I can only every find one or two things I like. At G's I can find tons I things I love and can usually afford at least one thing. Plus they hand out 20% discount cards to you every time you shop there. Which is awesome. I got some shoes, but I have no way of posting a picture from this will later I guess. I couldn't find a picture online. I guess they don't actually exist.

I'm so glad to be done with classes, and can't wait until I'm done for good! I will miss it for sure, but I defiantly look forward to a schedule I can handle + being married. Good things to come I hope!

My cousin is getting married next Friday! I'm super happy for her and her hubby-to-be (annnd maybe a little jealous. I want to get married too! =) I can't wait to put my new yellow dress (see post below) back on and show it off. I got to take it out last night for a date and got complimented by some lady. I'll post pics when I have my computer (I'm on Nick's right now at his house).