
Class Update

Hello! I guess it has been since Valentine's day that I last blogged. Sorry peeps. That already feels like forever ago. It's been awhile since I talked about classes, so I guess I will start off with that. Things are going pretty ok class-wise. I have had quite a few tests in the last few weeks, but to be honest I would *much* rather have a bunch of smaller tests than a few huge ones! I think it is actually much better for learning that way. And for the good of our minds:
(click on if you cannot see the whole thing)

I saw this on the wall in mayfield the other day. Thought it pretty much summed things up. Although fortunately this hasn't been much of a problem this semester. At least...not yet =P
I suppose I will just give you a rundown of how each class is going.

Intro to Photography ~Holland
I imagine this is the class that people are most interested in. We have keep a photography journal and sometime in April, about 7 assignments will be due (it really isn't as bad as it long as you don't wait until the last minute..which btw it would be impossible to do it all at the last minute) Actually I am really enjoying it. I get to do a lot of collaging and decorating. It is very self-expressive! We have had 2 big assignments now. These are the ones that we present in front of the class and have our photos critiqued. When you are an art student, you get really used to being critiqued. In fact you start to crave it. If someone can help you make it better you take all the advice you can get. Not to say that you have to apply it, but it all pays off when you present something that people really like. I actually haven't been able to present either of them. =( blackboard (the online thing we turn them in on) never wants to take my files so they aren't there in class and I have to give them to him afterwards. This next time though I will have them all on my thumbdrive. I cleaned it off completely so it is now ready to be filled with more files! Over all I am enjoying it. The lectures can be kind of boring and so can the reading. There is just a lot of technical stuff, but we are starting to move away from that and do more projects. Yay!

Art History ~Peer
This is an interesting class. I am enjoying it pretty well. I like art history so I think it is pretty interesting most of the time. We have tests fairly often, but because there is so much information that i really the only way to do it. I have learned a lot and overall enjoy it.

Drawing I ~Pohle
I really like this class! I have never considered myself a good artist. I didn't think I was bad, but realism was never my forte. I could never draw people very well. Somehow my prof makes it so easy. He is very good at what he does. And he is German so he has an accent which makes it kind of cool. He makes me feel like I can draw and if I am struggling he has the solution. We started with color pastels recently. I am enjoying it. This is a great class. Not at all what I had expected. That "I can't draw very well" thing inside of me is slowly going away. Even if I see that others are better than me I don't feel outdone somehow.

New Testament ~Blankenship
I have a great NT prof. He really makes a good argument for everything (prob because he used to be a lawyer) and has brought to my attention just how much I *don't* know about the Bible. I thought I knew a lot! I even studied Hebrew once upon a time. But no, I didn't even come close. He really focuses on culture and what was going on at the time so that we know how they were receiving the words in *their* culture. The way it was supposed to be. Not in our culture. Sure, things still apply, but the worst thing we can do is assume that it was written in our culture. Well it wasn't. On top of having a long and impressive resume and having had relations with Jews and monks ect, he has lots of interesting stories that he will tell us on Friday's if we ask. Like last time he told us about how he got his nose ripped off....

Western Civ II ~Baily
I was rather intimidated by this class at first. I think everyone was. But now I am getting to where I can enjoy it. My prof is very intelligent and knows what she is talking about, but she doesn't really have enough structure. In Western Civ I my prof was supper organized and I loved it! I wish I could have taken it from her again but my schedule didn't allow for it. As a person I really like Baily it just took me awhile to get used to her teaching style. And I think she is also making a lot of adjustments because a lot of people had the same problem as myself. Now it is getting better and I am starting to enjoy it much more.

Well I think that is all I am going to write for now. I still have homework that needs to be done. I wish I could be outside right now instead of working in the library on this lovely day... -pout-

~Andi ^_^