
How to Add a "Subscribe to Blog" or "Follow Me" Button

Where has the time gone! The past few months have been crazy around here and it looks like I have neglected you all! Three cheers for a new tutorial!

So. You are adding all your social media goodies onto your blog/website. How do you add a subscribe to blogger button, rather than having the default Blogger Gadget? Easy. Thank goodness!
If you have never made a button in Blogger before and none of the info below makes sense, follow this link to my button tutorial! If you are already familiar with how to make buttons in blogger, let's get started...

1. Add the HTML/Java gadget to your blog in Layouts, or open an existing one.

2. Copy and paste the following code into the gadget:

 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="LINKTOYOURIMAGEHERE" title="Follow Me on Blogger"/></a>  

3. Your blog ID can be conveniently found at the top of the gadget window. Paste that number in the YOURBLOGIDHERE location of the code.

4. "LINKTOYOURIMAGEHERE" is where you can put the link to your image or button. You can find "follow me on blogger" images, or make your own like I did. Follow the tutorial listed above for assistance. 

5. You may remove title="Follow Me on Blogger" if you like. This is just text that appears when the mouse hovers over the button.

All done!