Here is an easy one that you can do in 3 seconds (give or take a few).
For some peculiar reason, blogger has decided that you should title the images in your sidebar...for what reason I know not. Here is a really easy way to get rid of the title in your gadget.
No HTML editing required! Yay!
You can start this one of 2 ways...
1a) If you already have the Gadget...
Open up the widget to edit it. If you don't know how...
You can do this from your blog using the little tool icons (shown in the image above), or go to Layout > Edit (on the gadget you want to edit, but I assume you know this much already if you have it).
1b) If you are making a new Gadget...
Layout > Add a Gadget > Image2) In the title box add this...
3) Save & Done
See? Easy peasy lemon squeesy.
(I actually hate lemons. Though they do smell good...)